Squirrel Trespass Permits

When is the best time to hunt?

·      Early in the season and before the alfalfa has grown too high to see squirrels.  If the sun is out the squirrels will be out, even with unpredictable weather.

When do you cut your hay?

·      The first cutting is approximately June 1st to June 15th. 

·    The second cutting is approximately July 20th to August 5th.

Which fields do you cut first?

·      Cut dates vary and are determined by our Hay Supervisor.  There is no set schedule for fields to be cut and decisions are made daily.

What dates are permits valid?

·      Permits are valid from April 1st to August 1st.

I am bringing a friend or family member with me who won’t be shooting. Do they need a trespass permit?

·      Yes.  Visitors who come with hunters need a visitor’s pass which are also available at the Alturas Ranches office free of charge.  Each visitor over the age of 18 is required to sign a liability waiver.

Do I have to make a reservation to hunt ground squirrels?

·      No, once you are in possession of a permit, you may hunt. Squirrel hunting permits are given on a first come, first serve basis.

Is there anywhere on the ranch where I can camp?

·      No, we don’t allow camping on the ranch.  There are many places to camp in the area.  The US Forest Service map of Modoc County will show all the Forest Service and BLM land and campgrounds.  Likely Place RV and Golf has tent and trailer sites as well as laundry, a restaurant, and showers.

Can I bring an off road vehicle?

·      No.  Off road vehicles are not allowed anywhere on the ranch.

Do you provide a map?

·      Yes, our crop map is available at the office.  It is best used in conjunction with the Forest Service map of Modoc County. 

Do you poison squirrels?

·      Yes.  Our poison program is implemented in Feb-March-April.

Can I shoot coyotes or other varmints on your ranch?

·      No.  The trespass permit is valid for ground squirrels only.  No other varmint or species is covered by the permit.

Can I drive across a field to get to a better spot?

·      No.  Travel on fields, planted or unplanted, is not allowed. Almost every part of the ranch is accessible by roads. Hunters must use existing roads. A road is defined as a road or pathway showing obvious signs of use and free of any grass. Any road that is wet enough that a vehicle would make ruts is off limits. 

What if I see someone else driving across a field or down a muddy road?  Can I drive there too?

·      No.  Our employees may have reason to drive across a field or down a muddy road.  Hunters’ vehicles are not allowed in these areas.

Do I need a four wheel drive vehicle?

·      No. Hunters are required to use our roads (as defined above) only.  If you are in a place that you need four wheel drive vehicle you are in an unauthorized area.

Can I drive into the field to turn around?

·      No.  Our fields are very soft and can be wet after a rain or after irrigation.  If your wheels get into the field you will get stuck and do damage to the field.

How many permits do you issue?

·      Available permits are evaluated on a weekly basis and not always precisely quantified.  When you visit Alturas Ranches, you are responsible for observing the area you choose to hunt.  Be aware that there may be other hunters in the area and use safe shooting practices.

Are there people working where I want to hunt?

·      Hunters need to be aware that we have many employees who could be working on any given part of the ranch, any time of the day.  Those employees could be in tractors, pickups, ATVs, or even on foot.  Hunters are responsible for observing the area they choose to hunt. Be aware that people may be working in the area and use safe shooting practices.

Can I get a permit for a friend or group of friends?

·      No. Each hunter has to get his own permit and sign a liability waiver at the Alturas Office.

Where do I get the permit?

·      Our office is located at 1750 Lyneta Road, Alturas CA 96101That address does not work in GPS or Google Maps but is shown on the Hunt Alturas website. For directions you can call the office at (530)233-4661 or:


Directions from Alturas:

*      Drive 13 miles South of Alturas on Highway 395.  Turn right on Lyneta Road and follow it almost 2 miles to our office.

            Directions from Reno/Susanville:

*      Drive North of Susanville approximately 81 miles to Likely CA.  Six miles past Likely turn left on Lyneta Road and follow it almost 2 miles to our office.